how i became art therapist
The dream of becoming a psychologist appeared when I was in school, in the 8th grade. The first teenage experiences of relationships showed me how unpredictable and mysterious the soul of another person can be. I wanted to explore the nature of personality. In addition, since childhood, I had developed empathy, people often shared the most intimate with me, and I liked to listen and provide support.

After school I entered the psychology faculty and started to work as a psychologist in my last years at the university. I began my activity under the guidance of Professor O.V. Khukhlaeva. I was engaged in psychodiagnostics, correction, counseling and training. In 2007 I defended my Ph.D. thesis at the department of developmental psychology of Moscow State Pedagogical University. I published 2 books, including my author's program of lessons in psychology and art therapy. Art therapy occupies a special place in my practice, as it is a kind of synthesis of my two professions - psychology and art. In addition, existential philosophy and psychology have always been close to me, and I am very glad that I had the opportunity to study existential analysis with the famous A. Langle, a student of V. Frankl.
2004 - Moscow State Pedagogical University, faculty of pedagogy and psychology, specialty "Psychology".

2007 - Postgraduate course at Moscow State Pedagogical University, department of developmental psychology, specialty "General Psychology, History of Psychology, Psychology of Personality", Candidate of Psychological Sciences (Ph.D.).

2007 - Advanced training in art therapy and sand therapy (courses by T. Grabenko). Member of the Community of Fairytale Therapists.

2021 - "Basics of the color therapy" (course by T. Koloshina), AMO, certificate.

2023 - Institute of Modern Psychological Technologies CHU ODPO, "Practical use of art therapy methods. Integrative approach", professional retraining in the field of art therapy,
certificates of advanced training in phototherapy and fairy tale therapy.

2023 - LifePractic, course by Alfried Langle "Psychological work with depression in existential analysis", certificate.

2023 - LifePractic, course by Alfried Langle "Fundamentals of existential coaching", certificate.

2024 - LifePractic, Alfried Langle's annual course "Living practice of existential analysis with Alfried Langle for psychotherapists and psychologists", certificate.

diplomas and certificates
Diploma in psychology with honors, MPGU
Diploma of the Candidate of Psychological Sciences (Ph.D.), MPGU
Certificate of course by T. Koloshina "Basics of the color therapy", AMO
Diploma in art therapy, IMPT CHU ODPO
Certificate of advanced training in phototherapy, IMPT CHU ODPO
Certificate of advanced training in fairy tale therapy, IMPT CHU ODPO
Certificate of course by A. Laengle "Psychological work with depression in existencial analysis", LifePractic
Certificate of course by A. Laengle "Fundamentals of Existential Coaching", LifePractic
Certificate of annual Alfried Langle's course "Living practice of existential analysis with Alfried Langle for psychotherapists and psychologists", LifePractic
1. Project "I love to live!". Scenarios of museum classes for people with disabilities of mental development / Ed. M.V. Emelina. - Astrakhan, 2019. - 67 p.
2. Novikova L.M., Samoilova I.V. Table book of the school psychologist. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – 384 p.
3. Novikova L.M. The development of emotional intelligence abilities in children//Gifted child. - 2008. - No. 4. - P. 93-102.
4. Novikova L.M. Gender features of the moral consciousness of the youth: Diss…cand. psychol. sciences: 19.00.01, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow, 2007. - 181 p.
5. Novikova L.M. Gender features of the moral consciousness of the youth: Abstract of diss…cand. psychol. sciences: 19.00.01, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow, 2007. - 24 p.
6. Novikova L. Gender and moral consciousness of the youth // Development of personality. - 2007. - No. 3. - P. 155-159.
7. Novikova L. Methodology of the qualitative psychological research//United Scientific Journal. - 2007. - No. 15. - P. 33-36.
8. Novikova L., Samoilova I. Initiation into the first graders//The school psychologist. - 2007. - No. 20.
9. Novikova L. Moral consciousness of personality and philosophical approaches to its study//Scientific works of MPGU. Series: Psychological and pedagogical sciences. Digest of articles. - M.: Prometheus MPGU, 2006. - P.112-117.
10. Novikova L., Tsarkova U. "I changed courage in myself" // The school psychologist. - 2006. - No. 21. - P. 32-35.
11. Novikova L.M., Samoilova I.V. Journey to the world of friendship and cooperation. Developing lessones in psychology for elementary grades / Ed. O.V. Khukhlaeva. - M., 2005. - 88 p.
12. Novikova L. "The mail of trust" // The school psychologist. - 2005. - No. 22. - P. 6-7.
13. Novikova L.M. Emotional intelligence and its development in children//Festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson". Digest of articles. 2004/2005. - Book 2. - M., 2005. - P. 713.
1. Project "I love to live!"
2. "Table book of the school psychologist"
3. Magazine "Gifted child"
4. Thesis
5. Аbstract of thesis
6. Magazine "Development of personality"
7. "United Scientific Journal"
8. Magazine "The school psychologist"
9. "Scientific works of MPGU"
1o. Magazine "The school psychologist"
11. "Journey to the world of friendship and cooperation"
12. Magazine "The school psychologist"
13. Digest of articles of the festival "Open lesson"